So AF came on her own. Which she has been but it’s been ALL OVER the place. From January to mid-April she was off and on, but I did bleed at least once each week during this time frame. Damn you, irregular periods!!!
But this time…. 43 days of no bleeding, not even spotting. And she came, and it’s pretty steady so far. So I’ve made the decision to start temping, charting and peeing on those ovulation test strips. Northern Starr doesn’t know. Not that he’d be upset, he’s very understanding… he knows that now after taking such a long break that I don’t want anyone to know we’re trying again. I just felt like a failure last time. Everyone knew, and everyone always asked about our treatments. And then I had to tell EVERYONE that it didn’t work. It won’t take Northern Starr long to find out that I’m charting again, I mean he will see the ovulation strips in the trash can!
With that being said, if we don’t get pregnant this cycle then we will call our RE and start doing medicated cycles again. Timing sucks with medicated cycles, summer is so hot where we live, and the medication gives me hot flashes! Oh joy!!!
Until next time,
Sabrina Starr