Wednesday, November 28, 2012


CD 13 mid-cycle check was not good. I had lots and lots of follies but none big enough. Dr. S said that they were going to give me a shot in their office that day and then I’d have to have another shot (all of Bravelle) the next evening. And to come back on Thursday (Thanksgiving) to get checked again.

We did the shots. Went back on Thursday. My 2 follies with the most potential, they measured 10mm on CD 13, actually shrunk! Now one was 8mm and the other 9mm. IUI#4 is now officially canceled.

Dr. S prescribed me Provera 10mg for 7 days so I can shed all of my lining. Apparently my ovaries don’t like the Clomid and Bravelle combo. They’re high maintenance and can only have one or the other, not both at the same time.

New Game Plan:
Take Provera 10mg for 7 days. AF comes 2-4 days after last pill. Start injects on CD3-7. CD 8 have bloodwork and ovary check and we’ll go on from there. Bravelle is costing us an arm and a leg, even with my insurances help. But we can only do a couple more rounds of Clomid because of the lifetime max, IF we decide to go back to Clomid because we know it works and my ovaries LOVE it.

Ugh! I’m disappointed to say the least. Northern Starr has been really sympathetic. He knows there’s nothing he could do to help me with it. I’m more disappointed now because of canceling the IUI than I was when I found out IUI#3 didn’t work. All that medicine and time, wasted. Come on uterus, get pregnant!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Ovidrel is my trigger shot. Tonight Northern Starr has to give me the inject of Bravelle.

I understand that you just love being a mom and you keep posting pictures of your precious little ones on Facebook. Those are so totally adorable but to be honest it ALWAYS stings a little when I see them. Even on my good days it stings. But that's not what I'm complaining about. What I am complaining about is why the F do you have to post pictures of your baby bump from when you were pregnant with your precious angels?!?! Just because you love the way you looked pregnant. Give me a break! It's over with, done. Look at your bump pictures on your phone or what you already posted on FB and Instagram from when you were pregnant. There is no damn need to repost it!!!
Rant over.

Friday, November 9, 2012

IUI #4 - Game Plan

So my check up with Dr. S yesterday… I have an ovulatory cyst that she says is small and is nothing to worry about, but they’ll keep a close eye on it. And we came up with a new game plan. Dr. B’s nurse Glenna was there and I love her. She had paperwork filled out for us because she just knew we wanted to be more aggressive now. Glenna came and got us from the waiting room and took us to examination room and said, “What am I going to do with you? I was so sure it was going to work this time! Everything was lining up!”

“Me too, Glenna… Me too”

And then Dr. S comes in once I got undressed and even she was telling us that she thought IUI #3 was it for us. We didn’t tell all of our friends and family that we were doing treatments again, but for the few that did know, even they were shocked it didn’t work out.

150mg Clomid CD 3-7. Ovidrel (forgot the mgs) on CD 9. Mid cycle check on CD 13. IUI on either CD 15 or 16.

Side note, this is the worse boobs and back ache from AF that I’ve ever had!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

IUI #3 :: Negative

I haven’t taken a pregnancy test yet. AF is here, so I know the test will be negative. But I will still POAS tomorrow morning to confirm. We are seeing Dr. S tomorrow afternoon to discuss our options. IVF is out of the question for us. So we know we will do another IUI. But maybe up the meds or do Clomid + injects, or just injects ??? We’ll see what Dr. S recommends and go from there.

I’m surprisingly not as devastated as I thought I’d be. I mean, I am crushed. But the last two IUIs, you couldn’t get me out of bed even if the house was on fire. And here I am, at work, going on about my day like it’s a normal day. I guess it is a normal day. For everyone else. As much as I hyped myself up for it, I’m okay. God knew it wasn’t the right time. My due date would’ve been July 16th. There’s already too many birthdays in July LOL!

Staying positive! Keep sending me positive vibes people!

Monday, November 5, 2012

IUI #3 :: 11dpo

I am now 11dpo. 7dpo I started to have sore nipples. 9dpo it spread out a little, so my whole breast isn’t tender, just my nipples and some of the area around it.

I do not want to get my hopes up but this has never happened to me before. I told Northern Starr about what was happening and he keeps asking, “Well do you think you feel this way because you ‘know’ you’re supposed to feel this way, if you’re pregnant?” I’m not lying. I can’t fake sore boobs. I haven’t had any implantation bleeding, and I feel like I would have already had that by now. There’s been some cramping though, but not sure if it was just gas or an upset tummy. Ugh, the 2WW.

By this time next week, we will know if IUI #3 is Yay or Nay.

Friday, November 2, 2012

IUI #3 and Progesterone Levels

IUI #3 was set for the 25th (CD 17)

At out mid-cycle check we were given the trigger shot to take home, for it to be injected that night between 10-10:30PM. I’m a wuss when it comes to needles. As much as I’ve been probed and picked at throughout our almost 3 years TTC, with needles and ultrasound wands, I have gotten better. Now I watch when they put the needle in me, and I watch them draw my blood. But I cannot make myself give me the trigger shot. Northern Starr does it. And he doesn’t have a problem doing it… again, he is a certified EMT! So IUI #3 was on the 25th. I’m so proud of Northern Starr’s swimmers!!! 94 million!!! That is more than double, almost triple, the swimmers in IUI 1 and 2 combined!!! I have to say, I’m being very optimistic about this cycle! Please keep Northern Starr and I in your thoughts and prayers. As of right now we are in the 2WW.

Yesterday I had to go to the REs yesterday to do an ultrasound to check my progesterone levels. I’ve never had that checked before. Dr. W checked me this time (he also did IUI #3) and he showed us that both of my ovaries are empty, so I did respond great to the medicines and ovulated. And he measured my lining and said that looked perfect as well. I’m not sure if I heard him or understood him right but we think he took a picture of my two mature follicles, but I didn’t think that you’d be able to see that. ??? If any of you ladies reading have had something like this, please help me confirm.

One week left until we find out. I’m trying not to get my hopes up but as Dr. W’s nurse said at yesterday’s appointment, “it looks like the stars are aligning!” Everything looks and sounds as if it is all going to work out. Please let it work out!