Thursday, September 6, 2012

Surgery: Part 1

This is so long overdue… You can blame the pain meds that made me sleep ALL THE TIME and my husband for not setting up our laptop for me to blog about the surgery.

So Thursday, the night before the surgery, we stayed up as long as we could and ate dinner REALLY late since I wouldn’t be allowed to drink or eat anything as of 12am Friday.  We went to bed close to 12am.  Northern Starr fell asleep quick, he tends to do that, he can fall asleep anywhere.  I on the other hand, didn’t fall asleep until 2am.  My alarm goes off at 7am.  Needless to say that I kept waking up throughout that 5 hour span; but I got out of bed, got ready, and we were off on our 1 ½ journey to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital and checked in.  Almost immediately a nurse brought us back for me to put on “my party dress and party hat” as she called it, and to sign some papers and answer any questions we had.  Later we met the anesthesiologist, Northern Starr asked him if there was anything they could give me to help calm me down because I kept shaking my right foot and twirling my hair LOL!  He said of course and that his nurse would come in and give it to me once my IV was set up.  He left, and my nurse started to hook me up to my IV.  As soon as she did it, I started balling!  It finally hit me… I am having surgery done… today.  You know when little kids cry hysterically?  Eyes screwed shut, mouth wide open, snot rolling out of their nose, and it sounds like they’re having trouble breathing on their own?  Yeah, that was me.  And the funny thing is; I’m not exaggerating.

My nurse then left to find my anesthesiologists’ nurse.  While she was gone, Dr. S came into my room!  She was dressed in scrubs and told me that she was going to be in the operating room with me.  Dr. B was the lead surgeon and that she would be assisting him!  It felt great knowing that both of my REs were going to be “working” on me.  But that didn’t stop my crying.  She left, Dr. B came in… he saw me crying, and he kept telling me that everything is going to be okay and he held my hand and rubbed my leg and he left the room.  Then the anesthesiologist nurse came in and I watched her start to inject the calming medicine into my IV.  I saw the medicine was halfway gone and then I was out.  I do not remember anything after that, the next thing I remembered was semi waking up in the recovery room.

Per Northern Starr this is what happened after I received the calming medicine.
            ***As soon as the nurse gave me all of the calming medicine, I reached down to the foot of my hospital bed, grabbed “my party hat” and put it on my head and started to stuff my hair in it.  I started to get frustrated because not all of my hair was getting in it (thanks layers!).  Northern Starr told me it was okay not to put it all in the hat, but I kept doing it until it was all in there.  I was having conversations with anyone who came into my room.  When it was time for them to roll me back to the operating room, Northern Starr kissed me and told me that he’d see me in recovery, that he loves me, and that I’m so brave for doing this for our soon to be family.  While they pushed me away, I was talking to everyone.***

I really wish I knew what I was saying.  I hope nothing embarrassing LOL.

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