Friday, October 12, 2012

Flash Back Friday

So this morning I was going through some file folders that I haven't looked in, in ages!!!  Here are some pictures of me and my best friends.  My soul sisters... Sisters from another mother (and father)...  I love these girls with all my heart.  And I miss them everyday since I moved away from them to be with Northern Starr, here in Virginia.  But like always, when we're together, it's as if I've never left.  =)

Lehua, Kristin, and Sabrina

Yes, I do have a short tongue, but I do NOT talk with a speech impediment.  In this picture, this is the longest I can stick my tongue out =/

Again, at a Tea Party where we HAD to wear fancy dresses, boas, and tiaras!

Get Crazy! (That's my mother's oldest sister top left)

Pretend like you're sleeping... (Me:  You bitches make like you don't sleep with your mouths open!  All of them:  I don't  Me:  Oh... Well fuck... LOL!!!

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